Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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║ H E L P M A T E ║
║ An 8086/8088 assembly-language module which can be ║
║ linked, with Q-BASIC, to provide context-sensitive ║
║ advice and information in programs. ║
This version of HELPMATE was designed, as a Library
module, for use with MicroSoft's LIB Library Manager,
a version of which is supplied with DOS, Quick BASIC,
and all MicroSoft languages. Assembler programs to be
incorporated into such libraries must be assembled
using the Macro Assembler MASM. If the module is to be
called from Q-BASIC, it must be declared, explicitly,
at the beginning of your program text.
The assembler source code for the HELPMATE program
is named HELPMATE.ASM. It was assembled, using MASM 5,
to produce the object file HELPMATE.OBJ, which was
then linked into the library by the command :
Note that it is not necessary to include the filename
extensions of the object files, since the Librarian
assumes the default extension of .OBJ.
To use the HELPMATE.LIB Library module with your
Q-BASIC programs, you must do two things :
1) The following external function definition must be
included at the beginning of your program :
DECLARE SUB HelpMate (Context%, Topic$) where ..
CONTEXT% is the context-sensitive flag. If set to
1, then the routine attempts to load the
file specified by ...
TOPIC$ A legal DOS filename (up to 8 characters
without extension), specifying the Topic
file to be displayed.
If Context% is not set, (or Topic$ is a null string),
then the routine displays a list of topics, from which
you can make your own selection.
2) When linking the finished program, instruct the
linker to include the HELPMATE.LIB library module
in the target .EXE file, using the command :
Where 'progname' is the name of your own program.
You can, of course, include more than one .LIB module
in the command line which links your program. HELPMATE
when assembled, keeps all of its data and internal
buffers in the Code Segment, and uses less than 6K.
To invoke HELPMATE from anywhere in the program, issue
the statement:
HelpMate Context%, Topic$
If Context% is set, HELPMATE will display the first
page of the Topic file specified, otherwise it begins
by overlaying the current screen with a popup window
on which is listed those HELP topics available.
The first topic in the list is highlighted and you can
move the highlight around the menu with the arrow keys
Highlight the topic you want, then press the <RETURN>
key. The first page of that topic will be displayed in
the HELP window.
Page backwards and forwards through the file using the
<PG UP> and <PG DN> keys. If you page past the end of
the file you will be returned to the topic list, where
you can either select another topic, or press <ESC> to
return to the Q-BASIC program. On return, the original
screen and all current variables are restored, intact,
and program execution will continue with the statement
following the procedure call.
You can CALL HELPMATE from anywhere in your program,
provided that the proper declaration, listed above has
been previously executed. Appropriate places to issue
the function call are within menus and in loops where
the program is idling, whilst waiting for a keypress
from the user, e.g.
F1$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(59): ' Scan Code for <F1> key
HelpMate 1, "OPTIONS"
other selections
HELPMATE reads the information it presents, from a set
of Topic files which it looks for in a directory HELP,
a sub-directory of the currently logged directory.
Topic files are distinguished by having the extension
.HLP. Their filenames, less extension, are the topic
names which HELPMATE lists in it's opening menu.
HELPMATE will only list the first sixty such files it
finds. Any further .HLP files are ignored.
You can create your own Topic files, using any word-
processor or text-editor which can produce plain ASCII
text files. WordStar in nondocument mode or NutCracker
are good examples. Note that HELPMATE displays topic
files sixteen lines at a time and window lines are 54
characters wide (not including the cr/lf characters).
Bear this in mind when formatting your text, to ensure
a neat presentation.
HELPMATE is intelligent enough to be able to tell when
its host system has a CGA graphics board installed and
displays the window in the appropriate bank of video
memory. In a monochrome system, text is displayed in
Inverse video. In CGA systems the screen is in colour.
The program provides a useful extension to Q-BASIC and
should enhance the attraction, to the end-user, of any
software which incorporates it.
Christy Gemmell 24th May 1988